Types of Beer

There are two major types of beer, namely Ales and lagers. The major difference is the level of temperature at which the alcoholic drink is fermented.

  • Lager (Pale Lager, premium, strawberry, chili, chocolate, caramel, other flavor etc..)
  • Ale (pilsner, pale ale, wheat, Iambic, stout etc..)


Types of Ales

Ales are sweet, tasty beers. They come in different color shades ranging from pale gold to shady, rich brown color based on the grains applied in the brewing procedure.

  • Amber Ale
  • Pale Ale
  • Bitter
  • India Pale Ale (IPA)
  • Irish Ale
  • Barley Wine
  • Stouts
  • Porter
  • Wheat Beer


Types of Lagers

Larger is well-known for its crisp, filtered taste due to its fermentation process where yeast settles at the bottom without necessarily floating to the surface. Lagers under a low-temperature fermenting process that result in the beer having a smoother flavor.

  • Bock
  • Dunkel
  • Marzen
  • Pale Lager
  • Munich Dark Pale
  • DoppleBock


Dark Beer

Beer is one of the most popularly accepted alcoholic beverages. Beer has 4% to 6% alcohol content in them and is the third most popular drink after water and tea.

  • Stout
  • English Porter
  • Munich Dunkel
  • Schwarzbier


Thus, these were some of the very popular types of dark beers that are in demand these days.